Tuesday, December 27, 2011

{ Attire } Bridesmaids Dresses

Very early on in the game, my bridesmaids and I went dress shopping. I loved the idea of getting the gals together to go rummage through tons of dresses and maybe even trying on a few ridiculous ones for kicks. Unfortunately, with one long distance bridesmaid and one who has crazy schedules (love you, sister-cousin!) the whole group couldn't come.

Oh, and Carl? I love you, butthead, but this post might have a few hints about MY dress in it. So skitter away and distract yourself while I talk with the nice people here about this adventure, mmkay?

Still, my other two awesome, amazing, beautiful bridesmaids and I met up to try out some looks. We found some potential in the dresses, and started the trying on affair.

Oooh summer sunburns! This purple one we liked in the brown and ivory colors. Eventually we decided that it competed too much with the intricacy in the overlay of my dress, but it stayed a contender for quite awhile.

Gotta say it.. this one was a 'no' right away. It sort of reminds me of a dress an old lady would wear to high tea...

This blue one wasn't too shabby - it even had a little bling to it! Eventually it was counted out after we realized it was a little low cut for our tastes!

Then we started considering tea-length dresses... Which I believe we all agreed were slightly too casual for the whole ordeal.


I couldn't escape this escapade without having to try a few on, myself. We liked this one. It was simple and elegant... and the belt added a ton. However, for a summer wedding? This fabric was just too heavy and warm. I wouldn't want my gals dying of heat stroke!

Then we found this one... Again, simple, elegant...

And a belt added a lot to, overall. Only difference? This one was much lighter! We had a winner, and after some discussion over email and lots of picture sharing, we all agreed on this dress in brown with a blingy ivory belt.

As the story goes... this wasn't quite the ending. After the bridal fair, Carl and I discussed the fact that the bridesmaids would be in brown... and so would he and the groomsmen. Dilemma! Don't you think that's just too much brown? I panicked a little. Did I change the color the girls would wear? And does that mean we would want to do this whole shopping thing again?...

The answers are yes, and probably. After the holidays, there just might be a second shopping adventure for the girls and me!

Did picking the guys suits change how you thought about your girl's dresses?

Friday, December 23, 2011

{ Beauty } Natural Nails

I posted a little while back about my trick to keep your fingers hangnail free. I thought I would add a few more finger-friendly tips to keep your fingers in picture perfect form!

1. Avoid using acetone based nail polish removers. Acetone will dry out your nail beds and can irritate the skin around your nails. Try to buy a moisture rich nail polish remover like Sally Hansen's Kwik Off.

Image Source / Makeup and Beauty Blog

2. Push it real good. Invest in a cuticle pusher and push your cuticles (gently!!) once a week. This will help keep your cuticles from cracking and from becoming overgrown.

Image Source / Nontoxic Lifestyle

3. Nip it in the bud. Nibbling on your nails is a nasty habit that's hard to break, but keeping your chompers away from your fragile nails will keep hangnails at bay.

 Image Source / Ways to Stop Biting

4. Go Greek. I swear by strengthening my over all nail bed by eating a buttload of Chobani. I also just really love Chobani. It's the best Greek yogurt around and it's packed with nail fortifying protein. Within a week of eating my Chobani each morning for breakfast, I notice my nails growing longer and harder. Believe you me, I can tell when I fall out of my Chobani ritual. It doesn't take long for my nails to start to show signs of missing their protein packed yogurt fix. I guess this is kind of like taking gelatin supplements back in the olden days!

Image Source / Chobani

There you have it! A fee more tips to keep your fingers flawless! Now to start practicing what I preach...

Do you have any tired and true techniques to keep your nails in line?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

{ Attire } Dress Panic

Back on September 7th, I ordered my dress. I was told at the time that within 10 weeks, the dress would arrive. I was ecstatic that it would be so soon. This must be one of the perks of ordering early! This meant that the week of Thanksgiving, it should be here. My vendor said she would call with an official ship date and I excitedly hung up and started counting down.

A month passed. Another. Thanksgiving passed. And here we are, four days from Christmas, and I haven't heard a word from the shop.

I placed a called to them, asking them to call me back so I knew if it had shipped or if it had arrived and I missed a phone call. When I didn't hear back from them, I called again on Monday... Same message.

No call back.

I started to feel panic creep in. I ordered it. I put a down payment of half the price into the dress. It's a month later than they said it would arrive. They aren't calling me back...

What's going on?!

I know I have over 7 months until the wedding, so I'm not too worried, but a phone call back would be nice. Just a little hello to say "it's still on it's way!" or "whoops! forgot to order it!" I don't care... Just call me back and let me know. This is my wedding dress! I think any bride has the right to freak out a bit about this one!

So what do I do? Wait til after the holiday and try again? Call them again today? Storm into the store in a full Bridezilla rage? I don't want to bother them or anything, but man... some customer service would be nice... The lack of communication is really making me worry.

Did you ever have a non-responsive vendor? How did you deal with it?

Monday, December 19, 2011

{ Life } It Finally Happened...

It took longer than I thought it would, but it finally happened.

...I forgot to put my ring on this morning.

There is, at first, that rush of panic.

Where is it? Did I leave it by the sink? Did it slip off in my gloves when I took them off? Is it safe and sound in my ring box?

The heart racing, the thoughts of worst case scenario, the racking your brain for the last time you remembered having it on... Utter. Panic.

I sent a frantic text to Carl to see if it was at home, safe. I was certain I just forgot to put it on because I had put my lotion on upstairs instead of in the bedroom. Normally, I put lotion on, put my ring on, and then head out the door. One simple break in pattern and the rest falls to pieces...

...it was safe in its box. Cue celebration dance.

Now I just feel silly for not putting it on and naked without it. I miss it. Is that silly?

How long was it until you 'missed a day'? Have you ever felt that panic?

Friday, December 16, 2011

{ Life } Me Vs. Facebook

In this day in age, the quickest way to announce your engagement is on none other than Facebook. The excitement after receiving the ring and accepting the proposal is followed by the elation of changing your Facebook relationship status to ‘engaged’.

Unless Facebook decides to ruin the fun for you.

Now yes, I know it is a silly thing in the grand scheme of things… But Facebook and I are still going through a rough patch after it ‘ruined’ my engagement announcement.

Ruined might not be the right word… but it did certainly disappoint.

The story goes like this: Carl and I arrived home and after celebration with my parents and excited texts and phone calls to family, I was thrilled to change our relationship status. A silly thing the social media world has deemed as a golden star to give out to those who care.

I log into Facebook right before bed, hoping that the late night post would yield some fun comment reading in the morning. Low and behold, my email inbox is FLOODED when I wake up. Excited to see the happiness and congratulations from my friends and loved ones, I look at my Facebook page and… what’s this?

There are five comments.

Now, if I didn’t have my message email notification turned on at the time, I might have thought something was wrong. Were my friends and family not excited for me? But, no – My inbox was flooded with the notices from Facebook about my friends congratulating me/us. But where were they on my profile?...

Apparently on the night I got engaged, Facebook was updating their servers and the majority of these comments got lost in the eternal server crash black hole…

Is it silly of me to begrudge Facebook for this? Yes, it is… But I would be lying if I said that it wasn’t incredibly disappointing. I even had people ask me why more people hadn’t commented on out engagement. All I could say was “they did, you just can’t see it”.

I asked Facebook about this, and their only response was “they might appear again over time… but if not, there isn’t anything we can do”.

><; Mer. Double mer.

And if you’re wondering? They never reappeared. To this day I’m still a little bitter about the whole situation.

When Carl moved here, I knew it was because we would be spending the rest of our lives together, so I had imagined posting our engagement on Facebook – the fact that this happened saddened me, but you know… you’ve got to get over it. In the grand scheme of things this was a minor glitch.

On the path to planning a wedding, there would be MANY minor glitches… and I guess I can just consider this a little pre-planning glitch training!

Did anything go not quite as you had planned in your daydreams about your engagement day?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

{ Question } When You Sleep...

...Where do you fingers go? - Cake

Do you have a special place that you keep your ring at night?

I happen to have a very naughty kitty who knocks anything she can find onto the ground at night to try and get attention.

Cute but psycho. Things even out.

That being said, I am naturally a little paranoid about my ring getting lost. Things just... disappear when Dagny is around. I decided to keep the ring box Carl gave me at the proposal to use as a defense against the cat. The box was big, sturdy, and if she knocked it down, it would be much easier to find than just the ring!

I also formed a habit of taking the box with me when I am not sleeping at home. It's just become the resting place for my ring every night. So I got to thinking... do others do the same? Do you keep your ring in a specific place at night or when you aren't wearing it?

After the wedding, I thought about getting a special ring box. Something a little more fun and fancy to keep my e-ring and band in. There are lots of options out there for unique little boxes to hold my rings at night.

I can be a forgetful gal, so the safety of knowing my ring could only be in one place if I'm not wearing it is certainly a comfort. I know that, for me... I need a box that closes tightly and won't come apart if dropped by myself or a mischievous kitty. Picking out a new box to keep my rings in will be a fun little treat. I'm looking forward to starting the hunt!

Do you have a place you keep your ring? Do you ever worry about it getting lost when you aren't wearing it?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

{ Planning } Dr. Suess

I have always loved this quote. I think that it would be great to use on the save the dates, or the invitations. It's so simple and so true. Always a saying that makes me smile.

I suppose it's getting to be that time... To plan out the STDs and invites. Yikes. Time really has flown by! I suppose that means I should really get that list of addresses for these bad boys put together. -sigh-

Did you have any inspiration for your STDs and invites?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

{ Attire } Sexy Little Bride

I am know for jumping the gun on things, but I'm already thinking of my wedding day undies. Sorry, Mom! It's true! I've never been a fancy underwear lover, but a wedding seems like a time to have some fun and buy something fancy.

I am so used to having three choices in any bra. Beige, black, white... The curse of the DD bust. It's no secret that I'm a busty girl, so I know that I need something to keep the girls inline all night long, but it can be pretty, right? It doesn't have to be plain ivory or white -- it could have a little lace.

But how do you pick what to wear? It's got to be comfortable. It can't be too warm. It can't be impractical. And it can't cost as much as the dress... I can imagine that this is something I can do deep into the final stretch of the wedding, but I find myself thinking about it now. Where does a girl even begin!? I do drool over the Victoria's Secret Sexy Little Bride line...

So how did you decide what skivvies you would don beneath your precious dress? Did you keep your Future Hubby in mind, or did you just buy something that would do the job?

Monday, December 5, 2011

{ Planning } Just Say No

In all my time (you know, all four months) being engaged and planning a wedding, I haven't actually had to say 'no' to anyone yet. It's been one big whirlwind of 'yes' since I said yes to Carl... Which is great, since no isn't a word that I care to say. I'm what you call a people pleaser. I hate having to tell people no... Even when I know I have to.

So, naturally, the time has finally come to say no.

I had a vendor email me and ask if I had made a decision yet. We had, but I wasn't quite sure how to phrase my email back to her, so I told her I would get back to her by Friday... well Friday came and went. I know I need to email her back. She deserves a response... but my delightful mixture of anxiety and aversion to the word no is making this super hard!

I consulted a friend at work who is one of our even planners. She gave me the confidence that this vendor wasn't going to hate me. She wasn't going to go crazy and freak out. She wasn't going to have anything bad to say... She'd just take another job and move on.

So why is this part so hard?

After a few deep breaths and relaxation exercises, I set in to write my email.

Dear X,
It was a pleasure to meet you last week! I am sorry it has taken me a little longer to get back to you than I had promised. I did want to let you know that Carl and I have decided to use another vendor for our wedding, but we do appreciate the time you took to show us your work.
We wish you the best!

Katie & Carl
So... How'd I do? Too short? Too simple? Should I have elaborated more, or was that really not needed? The moment of dread has set in now that the 'send' button has been clicked. Now I just smile and move on, happy with our choice in vendor, right? RIGHT??!

How did you deal with turning down vendors? Did you send an email, call, or did you just sort of... fade out of the picture?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

{ Planning } Readings, Part Two

I read this quote awhile back by the great Bob Marley and thought that it would make a perfect wedding reading. Even though it is a little long, it's such a great description of love and being in love...

Image Source / Blogger
“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.”
Bob Marley

Do you have any non-traditional reading you love?  How did you go about picking your wedding readings?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

{ Food } A Different Kind of Tasting

When I pictured going to a tasting for our wedding meal, I imagined something formal and maybe even slightly awkward. Food was placed in front of Carl and I... we ate, we discussed, more food was brought out. We ate, we discussed... It felt very stiff and mechanical to me. I was actually a little nervous.

I am a neurotic girl, I know this. Anyone who knows me knows this, so I spent hours worrying after we booked. I knew that our venue held a different kind of tasting event and that it wouldn't be so personal, but it didn't matter. I still worried. What if they didn't have the entree Carl and I wanted to try? What if all of the food was awful? What if I did it all... wrong?

About a month ago, we attended our venue's tasting. It was a piece of cake... It didn't hurt, it wasn't awkward. It wasn't painful. It was just... like a tiny buffet.

They set up a sample of their appetizers... Of which we took a bunch!

They had sample tables set and other decor for us to view...

They had cake -- lots of cake! And a chocolate fountain!

And then... the entrees. Carl and I each literally took one of everything. After nom nom noming, we talked about the foods we had scarfed down - er, delicately enjoyed like civil humans - and came to the same conclusion. We have a menu selection!

It was a lot of fun to go just as Carl and myself to experience this mini bridal fair type event that was exclusive to our venue. After trying out their cake provided by the preferred vendor... I'm anxious for the day we get to stuff our faces with loads of the sweet stuff!

I shall have one of each, please...

What kind of tasting did your venue provide?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

{ Life } Thanksgiving

It’s a few days after Thanksgiving and I’m in a mood to reflect. This year, our family joined with my brother’s girlfriend’s family to have a big, warm meal together. The food was delicious and the company was entertaining. It couldn’t have been a nicer Thanksgiving day.

During dinner, my brother’s girlfriend asked us all to say what we were thankful for. This was something I thought that people only did in the movies, so immediately I panicked. I don’t do public speaking! What was she, crazy!?

Thankfully, I was the last to go and I had plenty of time to think. I decided to just say what I felt… and I almost got myself choked up.

This year, and every year… I am thankful for the love and support of my family. I know I can be a brat, moody, selfish, and even lazy… But they love me nonetheless. My family has been there for me when I didn’t deserve it and has stood by me in support no matter what. We aren’t the perfect family, but we are a darn good one. I’m so spoiled to have been raised by such kind, caring people.

I’m also thankful for Carl, naturally. This has been a whirlwind year and he’s been with me through it all. Even cranky nights (ugh, notice a pattern? I guess I’m a cranky pants!) after long days at work. I’m so thrilled to be marrying him, and planning our wedding together will continue to be a wonderful thing. He loves me, and I know it, despite my bad days and bad moods. He loves ME… and it feels good. Carl has a way of always making sure I know I’m special to him, even if I’m pissing him off (aah! Pattern!)

I want to be sure to be the same for him, because he means the world to me. Without him and without my family, I would be miserable. And probably cranky all the time, rather than some of the time!

I’m thankful for my friends, my job, and the roof over my head… I have a great life.

What are you thankful for?

Friday, November 25, 2011

{ Inspiration } Send Offs

I'm undecided as to whether or not I'd like to try a send off. There are so many fun ideas that stretch beyond confetti and bird seed or rice. I've collected some of them below... Call it a little chunk of food for thought. It might be whimsy, but it also might be fun!

Image Source / Wedding Sites 123
Image Source / Wedding Bee


Image Source / Style Me Pretty

Image Source / Getting Married

Image Source / Hunting for Love

Pom Poms
Image Source / Style Me Pretty

Image Source / Realistic Weddings

Paper Airplanes
Image Source / Tumblr

Image Source / Pinterest

A lot of send offs usually are based on whether or not your venue will allow certain things. Some don't allow bubbles, some don't allow confetti, etc... So checking with your venue is always a good idea. It also would depend in you leaving. Our ceremony and reception are in the same location, so perhaps this is really just a whimsy!

Have you decided if you are doing a send off? Have you found any creative send offs you would like to try?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

{ Life } Long Distance In-Laws

One of the first things that I realized in Carl in my relationship was that our families would never be close. Not emotionally close, location! The long distance between his home and mine means that my dreams of both sets of grandparents being active in my future children's lives were going to be a lot tougher than I though. Then again, I never thought I would fall in love with a New Yorker!

I always imagined being close to my in-laws. I pictured spending time with them and bringing over the kids. I imagined his parent and mine being friends and spending time together... Maybe my life growing up in such a wonderfully close family sort of ruined me for realistically picturing the future.

It pains me to know that Carl's family is so far away. It makes me worry about the future. How will we do holidays? How often will we visit? What about when we have kids?

The first time I met Carl's parents, I was so excited. We clicked. It was so easy, so quickly. Not only did we get along, but we got along great. Swimmingly, if you will. I feel comfortable with them and enjoy talking about everything from life to Little Debbie snack cakes. There is always a little sadness in the back of my mind knowing the distance will make growing closer to them hard.

Are you close to your future in-laws? How do you stay in touch with them and grow your relationship?

Friday, November 18, 2011

{ Beauty } Hangnail Hijinx

One detail that might not be on your mind as you get ready for your big day is your cuticles. If you are anything like me, you have hangnails and overgrown cuticles no matter what season or how well you maintain your nail beds.

I have seen so many pretty up close images of hands in wedding photos (ring photos, romantic hang holding photos...) that I really started to think to myself "but... I have boy hands!"

This is where my little secret comes in. My nail beds split, the skin along my nails frays, and my cuticles crack all the time. Nothing ever seemed to help keep them inline. Not a twice-daily lotion ritual, not cuticle cream, not straight up vitamin E oil... Until this.

Honestly, I think it is hilarious that I never thought of this before. What to know my secret weapon?

Image Source / Seventeen Online
Yeah. That's right. Plain ol' vitamin E enriched lip balm. Want to improve your nail beds? Smooth a bit of this into your nail bed and into your cuticles and skin around your nails. I do it twice a day to speed up results, but once before bed is plenty. The best part is that if you don't have time to wait for your nails to heal, smoothing a little of this on will hide any dry skin right away!

Why would you want to pay up to $15 or more to buy a cuticle cream or a nail bed lotion... when a $2 tube of lip balm will do the trick just as well? Just be sure to get one with vitamin E in it and have a go! Your nails will be picture perfect in no time!

Do you have a simple beauty secret weapon?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

{ DIY } Fabric Peony Tutorial

Another flower DIY! Peonies this time. These flowers take a little getting used to. Keep playing and be patient. You’ll get the hang of them really quickly. My first few didn’t turn out the best, but practice made perfect!

Left to right, first, cut a bunch of petal shaped pieces of a semi-stiff fabric. I used a quilting cotton from the local fabric store. Perfection doesn’t matter, just make sure they look like petals! Next, fold a pleat in the bottom of a petal. This will make the petal form a soft cup and make it look more real. Next, stitch the pleat in place.

Take another petal, pleat it, and stitch it overlapping the pleat of the first flower. Make about five of these and stitch them all in place as noted. You’ve formed your base! Continue to pleat and stitch a second layer into your flower. Use these petals to fill in gaps and make the flower take shape and look full.

Finally, choose your center! You can stitch a few petals in the middle to hide your stitching like the center flower by taking one or two fabric circles and fold them in half and then in half again, then stitch them standing up into the middle of the flower. Or you can sew in a button or some pearls like the left flower. Try layering some tulle petals to make your flowers a little flashier.

For my flower, I made a small version with smaller petals, some tulle and pearls. Then I made a larger base and stitched the two together. It made a really full flower! You can attach a safety pin to the back of the flower and make it a brooch. You can scatter them on tables as decorations. You can add a floral wire and make a bouquet… The possibilities are endless! I made mine into a headband…

Thursday, November 10, 2011

{ Inspiration } Hair

Without saying too much about my dress (Carl, I'm going to have to start shooing you away when I start posting about that topic!), it has this awesome vintage feel to it while still looking modern. I don't want to do something too crazy or dramatic with my hair, since that's not really me, so I thought I would put together an inspiration board based on what I liked: simple, easy hair. Pretty and soft. Everything I liked had some sort of half back look to it with a braid... So my inspiration became beautiful braided locks.

What do you think? I love the idea of something easy and not too formal. I'm currently growing my hair out after hacking it all off three years ago. I miss my long hair, and long braided looks have always interested me. I think my dress would require something uber formal, or something really easy... and when easy is an option, I'm always happy.

How did you decide on what you wanted your hair to look like? Did you have a plan, or let your stylist have free-range of your tresses?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

{ Planning } Readings, Part One

I know that planning our ceremony will be something Carl and I want to put a lot of thought into. As I come across readings that I feel touched by, I have been gathering them so that when the time to plan comes, we have plenty to work with. Among the readings that I have really enjoyed is the Apache Wedding Blessing.
"Now you will feel no rain
For each of you will be shelter to the other.
Now you will feel no cold
For each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there is no loneliness for you
For each of you will be companion to the other.
Now you are two persons
But there is one life before you.
Go now to your dwelling place to enter into the days of your togetherness
And may your days be good and long upon the earth."
-Apache Wedding Blessing
I love this. I can see it being read by my oldest siblings together, stanza by stanza. Wouldn't that be magical?
Remind me later that I can't have a million readings... Or our ceremony will last until the sun sets!

Did you have trouble narrowing down your choices for wedding readings? How did you choose which made the cut?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

{ Life } Break Time

The last few weeks... I've kind of felt like this:

Gimme a break... gimme a break...
Kit Kat / Image Source

It isn't that I got sick of wedding planning, it's that I just felt... stuck. So I took a few days off. That turned into a week. Then it was almost a month... and I realized I should probably get back into it. The month of November will hopefully bring a DJ and a photographer. I'm about to dig into the latter right now!

Did you ever need a break? How did you get motivated again?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

{ Life } Halloween

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love decorating up the house and planning out my costume. For the last five years (I think!), my brother and I have thrown a Halloween party for our friends that are the highlight of my fall. I always look forward to Halloween baking, cooking, and playing dress up. This year was no different! I was especially excited for Halloween this year -- Last year Carl and I were driving across the country to start our new life together on the 31st! While I was sad to miss the celebrations, I was celebrating my own new favorite holiday -- the anniversary of Carl making the huge leap to move from New York to Minnesota. Halloween just got a little more special! Here are a few of the costumes from the parties over the years I've worn. You'll notice the pirate seems to come out whenever I just feel like wearing a costume! It's my fall back costume for everything!

2006 The first year of the pirate with my college 'roommates' - We all lived in singles, but pretty much together :)

2007, the pirate returns for a Halloween comedy club appearance


2007, my actual costume for the Halloween party -- Hermione Granger

2008, my dark literature side comes out -- I was Alex DeLarge from a Clockwork Orange

 2009, I was originally trying to be Penny from Dr. Horrible's Sing a Long Blog, but ended up being Snow White

2011, the pirate comes out for the Halloween party at work... 

But then I switched into my actual costume for the year -- Kaylee from Firefly.

Carl and me -- Jayne Cobb and Kaylee Frye (my first costume of the night)

Then I became a black cat...

And finally a blue wig because... why not? It's Halloween!

I morphed a lot last night, but it was a great party. I'm already thinking about a costume for next year... Perhaps a Raptor pilot from Battlestar Galactica? If so, I better start on the costume now...

Happy Halloween everyone!