
Monday, September 26, 2011

{ Wish List } The Flowers I Dream Of

I have been in love with Princess Lasertron's flowers for almost three years. I've blog stocked her and dreamed of what kind of bouquet I would have her create for me some day. Reality is that her flowers aren't cheap. She puts a lot of love into her work, and deserves the highest of praise for these heirloom quality treasures she makes for brides all over.

Just for fun... I sent an inquiry to her. The pricing range for the flowers I like the best isn't unheard of. In fact, it's started me thinking that I could purchase a few of her kits for the bridesmaids and make those myself, and have mine made by Princess Lasertron.

Maybe it will turn into my one bridal splurge. Maybe I will continue on my trek to hand make all of my own flowers. Maybe I will give up on it all and purchase flowers from the farmer's market and just be done with it all. In the mean time... a girl can dream.

And now, for the Flower Porn. 
**All photos from PrincessLasertron.Com**
Seriously. Go check this girl out. She is a renaissance woman. Flowers, accessories, dresses... she does it all. AND she's a new mom. AND she runs a creative space. This gal is what I would call a BAMF.

What bridal splurges are you making?


  1. Wow! Those are absolutely GORGEOUS! You should def have her make you a bouquet. It would be stunning and so original!

    I'm starting my giveaway today, BTW. Thought you'd like it since you're a bride-to-be.

    Check it out so you can enter to win some awesome "I DO" crystal shoe stickers!


Go ahead... Leave us some love!