
Sunday, August 7, 2011

{ DIY } Ribbon Roses

 In my second post, I mentioned my desire to make my own flowers for my wedding. I consider myself a crafty bride, and I want to put that special touch of something that's really me into our wedding. I can't believe the amount of money some people spend on flowers.

I see flowers as this beautifully tragic part of weddings... They add so much light and beauty to your day, but they wilt away. I want my flowers to be something that last and last. Maybe someday, my future daughter will use my bouquet in her rehearsal! Maybe even her wedding!

Every mother whimsies at passing down their dress. I dream of passing down something a little less traditional.

After scouring the internet for any and every tutorial on DIY wedding flowers, I found a select few patterns that I felt really were my main contenders. I'm still playing, and my awesome MOH is working on some of her own, too. So far, the results have been pretty neat.

When I first started playing, I wasn't really thinking about bouquet colors. Today, my MOH and I went to breakfast together and stopped by the local craft store and I started to put actual colors together. The ones I picked out were really a lot more bold than I thought... But with the brown dresses in late summer, I think they will be a stunning hit.

So far, I'm pretty stoked to make my first test bouquet. I'm excited to assemble a test to see the colors together and to get a handle on how many blooms to expect for each bouquet. If this goes smoothly, I would love to make all the centerpieces and table decorations myself, too! I hope I'm not taking too much on! Luckily I have a couple friends and a great MOH who have volunteered to help construct flowers. Chrissy even said today that she envisions tubs and tubs of flowers in her craft room!

So far so good! I have a couple more styles to play with yet, and I'm sure I'll post about every adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I love how those flowers shimmer. Go you!!


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